Fun + Coding = ?

Fun to make products, it makes the world better

Funcoding Inc.

What we can do

Funcoding Inc.

Broad skill sets

Implementing with any needs

Funcoding Inc.

Highly Maintainable

Long life after implementation

Funcoding Inc.

Good Security

The most efficient security

Broad skill sets

Frontend, backend, infrastructure, mobile apps, AI, etc.

We have a broad skill sets to make various type of services.


With our broad skill sets, we can choose the best implementation for each service.

Funcoding Inc.

Highly Maintainable

With readable code, high test coverage, exhaustive code reviews, we make system highly maintainable.


System development is not done with just implementing it, we always consider the future maintainance.

Funcoding Inc.

Good Security

Implementation with best practices and security design for each project promise good securities.


With our great security knowledges and many experiences, we protect data with the most efficient way.

Funcoding Inc.

Main Achievements

Some system we made for our clients

React.js, Ruby on Rails, Elasticsearch, Docker, AWS, etc

International Job matching Service

Swift, Swift UI, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, etc

Financial Industry App

React Native, Java, Spring Boot, etc

App for government